Rudolph has come and now has gone back to his homeland. But I recently learned something about Rudolph and other reindeer also. Do you know how Rudolph became what he is today? In 1938, in Chicago, a man with a 6 year old daughter had no money for Christmas gifts. His wife was dying and his resources were exhausted. So, he decided he could write a book and give it to his daughter. The book brought Rudolph to life-patterned after the man himself. As a child growing up he was a small boy, no good in sports and frequently bullied-does that sound like Rudolph? The man-Bob May worked for Montgomery Ward, and when they saw the story, bought the rights and published many books, which were a hit. Next a major publisher wanted to buy the rights, and Wards- gave the rights back to Bob May. Mr May became wealthy, remarried, a friend put Rudolph to music and Gene Autry made it famous. How 'bout that for a Christmas story! Now as for real reindeer- They live in Europe's northern countries. They can't fly, of course, but are fast runners.Their hair is special so that their coats are really thick.They have eyes that change color to adapt to the varying levels of light in the far north. They also have large hooves that they can spread when the snow is deep to keep them from sinking .
Now, you have had your December lesson about reindeer. Happy New Year!
Friday, December 27, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Are you superstitious? If you are, today is a day you will be very cautious-you won't walk under a ladder, break a mirror, or let a black cat cross your path.
We have 2 Friday the 13th this year-one in September and today. Last year there were 3, each 13 weeks apart-how about that!
How did all this come about? One theory goes way back to the Last Supper. Judas, who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th person to arrive at the dinner, and Jesus died on a Friday.
Numerologists consider 12 a "complete" number-12 months in a year, 12 signs in the Zodiac, 12 inches in a foot.
Airplanes often leave out a row 13; some hotels eliminate a Room 13. And, interestlingly, Henry Ford wouldn't do business on a Friday the 13th, and FDR wouldn't travel on any Friday the 13th or on any 13th day of any month.
So happy Friday the 13th-just watch out for the black cats!
Monday, December 2, 2013
Holidays in the Hills
The IRISH HILLS is an area in Southern Lower Michigan once settled by the Irish during the potato famine. It is an area of quaint towns, sparkling lakes, and scenic drives. This coming weekend December 6-8, is the second annual "HOLIDAYS IN THE HILLS".
Hidden Lake Garden's Holiday Festival and EVENING OF LIGHTS is back this year. 2,000 luminaries light the Gardens and there is music, crafts, and refreshments.="www.hiddenlakegardens.">.
Cherry Creek Old Schoolhouse Winery will be holding their Christmas Open House Saturday 11:00-5:30 and Sunday 12:00-5:00.
Another event is Michigan International Speedway's charity track drive. Donate a food item or a new unwrapped toy and take a lap around the track in your own vehicle for more information.
And Oh!These Irish Hills is holding their Christmas Gala. This event is a showcase of holiday trees and decorations with a silent auction, door prizes, a choir concert, and holiday dancers, and of course-refreshments! It will be held at the Ol'Golden Nugget on US 12Friday Dec 6th-4-8, Sat 1-8, and Sun 1-4.
For more information visit
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Yes, this is really a word, and it has been many years since Thanksgiving and Hanukkah fell on the same day. Hanukkah is an 8 day celebration and it is the first day that falls on Thanksgiving this year. Sources say it last happened in 1888 and won't happen again until 2070.
According to an article in the Detroit Free Press, most Jewish families are not upset by this;in fact just the opposite. One family is quoted as saying "having the family together for both holidays is a plus". A Rabbi from Farmington Hills says "this a 2-for-1 holiday". As for the food , one way to combine the holidays is with sweet potato latkes.
Anyway, I wish you all a happy turkey and latke day!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
THEY'RE Still Here!
This morning 4 Sandhill Cranes are on our lawn! Don't they know they're supposed to go South? And the biggest one(the elder) was doing a dance-flapping his wings and jumping around. I know they do that during mating season, but now?
We thought maybe he was teaching the young ones something. If you would like to learn more about the cranes-these wonderful prehistoric birds visit:

Friday, October 25, 2013
OCTOBER,--- it has been a sunny, warm month, but that is over! Are you ready? We covered the tomatoes and the flowers last night and the thermometer says 28. Oh well, enough of the weather report.
There were several HAPPENINGS in October. The Fall color tours-both by bus and train were the biggies. The festivals-Appleumpkin in Tecumseh,Brooklyn's Pumpkin Quest, and Hidden lake Gardens Fall festival.
The wineries are still open, and southern michigan railroad is still doing color tours this weekend.
Halloween is coming up-the last October Happening-got your pumpkins?

Thursday, August 29, 2013
Welcome Fall
Summer is over-we know that by the absence of lake traffic. August was a busy month-NASCAR, Wine Days of Summer, The Civil War Muster in Jackson, and of course, The Ann Arbor Antiques Market. That continues for the next several months Now, thoughts turn to Fall Festivals. Clinton Fall Festival is a good one The Sandhill Crane Migration happens this time of year too
And, by the way, who saw the blue moon August 20Technically, a Blue Moon is the third full moon in a four-full-moon season. The next Blue Moon isn't to occur until 2015.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
July is done August Starts
July has some important dates: Canada Day July 1 ; Independence Day July 4; World Zoonosis Day July 6 (yes Zoonosis really is a word -it refers to any disease transmitted from animals to humans, such as rabies). Bastille DayJuly 14; Nelson Mandela Day July 18.
There was also the balloon festival in Jackson And the Faster Horses Festival at MIS, whch was a great success from what we've heard.
NOW comes August . First is the Riverfolk Festival in Manchester -great August 9-11 US12 Longest Garage Sale; Wine Days of Summer, check And, of course, NASCAR 16-18, and Ann Arbor Antiques Market 17-18. ANN ARBOR made a Pure Michigan Tourist Stop" In a world that tries so hard to look and feel like everything else,there is a place that knows exactly what it is-ANN ARBOR. A great town to visit!
There was also the balloon festival in Jackson And the Faster Horses Festival at MIS, whch was a great success from what we've heard.
NOW comes August . First is the Riverfolk Festival in Manchester -great August 9-11 US12 Longest Garage Sale; Wine Days of Summer, check And, of course, NASCAR 16-18, and Ann Arbor Antiques Market 17-18. ANN ARBOR made a Pure Michigan Tourist Stop" In a world that tries so hard to look and feel like everything else,there is a place that knows exactly what it is-ANN ARBOR. A great town to visit!
Monday, July 15, 2013
July Happenings
This week and next-according to the weatherman- is traditionally the hottest of the year, and it is certainly living up to it's reputation. There are so many events this week and next, in and around the Irish Hills, I hope the heat doesn't spoil them. This week is the Ann Arbor Art Fair-one of the best in the country! This weekend is the Country Music Festival at Michigan Speedway-MIS. It has a peculair name I read that the promoter was wondering what to call it and since this is car country-namely Ford Motor country-he read, that years, ago Henry Ford was asked "what do the people want?" His answer was "faster horses" thus the name of the Festival. Also this weekend is the Hot Air Balloon Festival in Jackson at Ella Sharp Park are 22 balloons entered and the morning launches are at 6:30 am(weather will of course affect them).
The Lenawee County Fair starts the 21st in Adrian and runs for the week. This is a great"county fair" with many animals- horses,cows, sheep, goats, chickens, and many 4H exhibits. And(I'm not done yet) On your way to Ann Arbor, you could stop in Saline at the Rentschler Farm Museum -it's right on US12- to celebrate Henry Ford's 150th birthday. July 20, from 11am-3pm. There will be some of the earliest cars, Model T,A B and Tractors and a historical performance at 1pm.
And, last but not least, Thursday July 18 is the start of the Michigan Shakespeare Festival which runs thru August 11 at the Potter Center in Jackson. For more info visit or call 517-998 3673
If all this tires you out and you need some time to relax,visit Dewey Lake Manor B&B and enjoy the lake.
Oh, I did forget, there is a Farmers Market every Sunday from 11-2 at Walker Tavern.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
The Tough Mudder
The TOUGH MUDDER Did you know what it was?
I did not until this past weekend when the event took place at Michigan International Speedway Saturday & Sunday. Tough Mudder is the premier obstacle course series in the world. It is a hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle course designed by the British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. Tough Mudder is more than an event, it's a way of thinking. By participating in a Tough Mudder challenge, you'll experience a true sense of accomplishment, have fun, and discover a camaraderie with your fellow participants. Plus as a participant, you support the wounded Warrier Project. To date the participants have raised more than $5 million for the Project.
We had 9 guests , both men and women, that did the course and 5 family members, and they all said the same thing"It was worth it!"
This was the Monkey Bars. And this was Everest; just 2 of the 20 obstacles to be met and conquered. It took our family members 5 hours; our guests were done in about 4.
It is done in Michigan for this year, but probably will be back next year as there were 12,000 participants on Saturday and about 4000 on Sunday-that's a lot of people. Check out the website for more information.
I did not until this past weekend when the event took place at Michigan International Speedway Saturday & Sunday. Tough Mudder is the premier obstacle course series in the world. It is a hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle course designed by the British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. Tough Mudder is more than an event, it's a way of thinking. By participating in a Tough Mudder challenge, you'll experience a true sense of accomplishment, have fun, and discover a camaraderie with your fellow participants. Plus as a participant, you support the wounded Warrier Project. To date the participants have raised more than $5 million for the Project.
We had 9 guests , both men and women, that did the course and 5 family members, and they all said the same thing"It was worth it!"
This was the Monkey Bars. And this was Everest; just 2 of the 20 obstacles to be met and conquered. It took our family members 5 hours; our guests were done in about 4.
It is done in Michigan for this year, but probably will be back next year as there were 12,000 participants on Saturday and about 4000 on Sunday-that's a lot of people. Check out the website for more information.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
JUNE Happenings
JUNE-a month for graduations, weddings, sunshine, and strawberries and cherries.
This coming weekend there are so many events you will have to pick and choose. The Tecumseh Home Tour is on-Tecumseh has many beautiful old homes, so if you like old houses this is for The Ella Sharp Art & Wine Festival is in Jackson. The ELLA as it is known is a very beautiful and historic place.
Walker Tavern which is on the corner of US12 and M50, has 2 events. Saturday 10-3 is "Walker on Wheels"a car show, and Sunday 2:pm is a Vintage Baseball Game-the Walker Wheels vs Port Huron Welkins.
And every Sunday except NASCAR weekends there is a Farmers Market on the grounds from 10-2.
And June 16 is FATHERS DAY , as well as the NASCAR race at MIS.
Also at MIS June 29 & 30 Is the TOUGH MUDDER. In case you don't know what that is -it is a 12 mile endurance course developed by British Special Forces. Our 3 sons have entered-we'll see how it goes.
Ann Arbor has A Taste of Ann Arbor June 9-14, and the Ann Arbor Antiques Market is June 15-16.
If you would like to visit a local restaurant-try Evans Street Station in Tecumseh. They just received a great write-up in the Detroit Free Press."Now in its 12th year, this serene,airy,white-tablecloth restaurant in downtown Tecumseh....." And of course, the Common Grill in Chelsea is also a great place. They also received good press in the same
Hope you have an enjoyable JUNE-Happy Summer!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
May Happenings
May-what a wonderful month! Everything is grenn, white, pink, and beautiful! And, there are many events happening. This Saturday, May18th, is the Great Lakes Wine and Beer Festival at
If you prefer flowers over wine,Hidden Lake Gardens is having a wildflower walk. I have written about the Gardens before-it is a beautiful place!Or, you can do both-the walk is 11am to noon, and the wine fest is in the afternoon and evening. May 25 & 26 is the History Palooza at Brick Walker Tavenr. Learn the History of the Irish Hills and of the And May 26, from 4-8, Cherry Creek Old Schoolhouse Winery is hosting a Merorial Weekend Celebration with wine tasting and entertainment. For more info check MAY is a wonderful month!
If you prefer flowers over wine,Hidden Lake Gardens is having a wildflower walk. I have written about the Gardens before-it is a beautiful place!Or, you can do both-the walk is 11am to noon, and the wine fest is in the afternoon and evening. May 25 & 26 is the History Palooza at Brick Walker Tavenr. Learn the History of the Irish Hills and of the And May 26, from 4-8, Cherry Creek Old Schoolhouse Winery is hosting a Merorial Weekend Celebration with wine tasting and entertainment. For more info check MAY is a wonderful month!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Celebrate All Things HERBAL
National Herb Day is this month! Did you know that? I didn't. Herbs are used in food, medicine, beauty products, and crafts, so they are a part of our daily life, whether we realize it or not. What would "Turkey Day" dressing be without SAGE, and ROSEMARY is not only used in crafts but cooking certain meats also.
Growing your own herbs is very doable for anyone. Grow them in your flowerbed, in pots on your deck, or in your garden . Some are perennials-come back every year-and some are annuals-only last 1 year.
If you would like to learn about All Things Herbal, come to Hidden Lake Gardens this Saturday in the beautiful Irish Hills of Southern The event is free with $3 garden admission and takes place 11am-3pm. Discover the art and joy of growing herbs, enjoy cooking demos,educational seminars,kids activities , and plants & products for sale from several vendors who will be present.
And don't forget the WILD WEED WALK at 1pm. Check the website or call 517 431 2060 for more information. And if you would like to stay a night call Dewey Lake Manor B&B for a reservation 800 815 5253.
And next Saturday is Hidden Lake Gardens plant sale-May 11.
Growing your own herbs is very doable for anyone. Grow them in your flowerbed, in pots on your deck, or in your garden . Some are perennials-come back every year-and some are annuals-only last 1 year.
If you would like to learn about All Things Herbal, come to Hidden Lake Gardens this Saturday in the beautiful Irish Hills of Southern The event is free with $3 garden admission and takes place 11am-3pm. Discover the art and joy of growing herbs, enjoy cooking demos,educational seminars,kids activities , and plants & products for sale from several vendors who will be present.
And don't forget the WILD WEED WALK at 1pm. Check the website or call 517 431 2060 for more information. And if you would like to stay a night call Dewey Lake Manor B&B for a reservation 800 815 5253.
And next Saturday is Hidden Lake Gardens plant sale-May 11.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
The calendar says it's spring but it's 11 degrees this am and there was a little snow-again- last night. Spring should look like this, but maybe next month. There are things to do inside though-Hidden Lake Gardens here in the Irish has their SPRING bulb show thru March 24 in the conservatory(it's beautiful) and next weekend is the EasterEgg-stravangza.
Ann Arbor is finishing their Film Festival this weekend also and April 5 & 7 is their FoolMoon & FestiFools BIG street party.
Closer to the Irish Hills is the town of Tecumseh's Downtown Divas at Dusk Event- March 28 5-9. Grab your sisters, daughters, moms, and enjoy special promotions, refreshments, prizes and just plain FUN!
Spring is coming-the Sandhill Cranes are back, the Turkeys are out and about and we have a flock of 30-40 Cedar Waxwings. This area is truly a bird-watchers paradise.
One other event this weekend here in the Irish Hills, is Cherry Creek Winery's 10th anniversary celebration. Saturday March 23 11-6 enjoy food tastings, entertainment and discounts .
Ann Arbor is finishing their Film Festival this weekend also and April 5 & 7 is their FoolMoon & FestiFools BIG street party.
Closer to the Irish Hills is the town of Tecumseh's Downtown Divas at Dusk Event- March 28 5-9. Grab your sisters, daughters, moms, and enjoy special promotions, refreshments, prizes and just plain FUN!
Spring is coming-the Sandhill Cranes are back, the Turkeys are out and about and we have a flock of 30-40 Cedar Waxwings. This area is truly a bird-watchers paradise.
One other event this weekend here in the Irish Hills, is Cherry Creek Winery's 10th anniversary celebration. Saturday March 23 11-6 enjoy food tastings, entertainment and discounts .
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Bet you didn't know that in 1995, the U.S. Congress designated March as National Irish-American Heritage Month, and since we live in the IRISH HILLS, I thought I should write a little blurb.
Irish immigrants made their way all over the state of Michigan during the mid-1800s. The work they did was as varied as where they settled. They worked for lumber barons or the growing railroads, and were sometimes paid with land, hence the Irish settlements north of Grand Rapids, and those near Ann Arbor and Jackson, where they could do farming, which many had done in Ireland. Others worked as miners, longshoremen, and fishermen.
The IRISH HILLS of Jackson and Lenawee counties is so named because the rolling landscape reminded those fleeing the potato famine of home. And, you can kick off ST.Patrick's Day by Experiencing the IRISH HILLS! Visit the Hills March 9-10, 2013, and partake of the TASTE OF THE IRISH HILLS. There are 17 restaurants participating and tickets are $15 and includes both days. Check for details, and look for discounts on lodging Saturday night. Spring is right around the corner and this would make a nice getaway.
Irish immigrants made their way all over the state of Michigan during the mid-1800s. The work they did was as varied as where they settled. They worked for lumber barons or the growing railroads, and were sometimes paid with land, hence the Irish settlements north of Grand Rapids, and those near Ann Arbor and Jackson, where they could do farming, which many had done in Ireland. Others worked as miners, longshoremen, and fishermen.

Monday, February 18, 2013
Fat February
It's nearly over! Never realized how much high calorie eating is packed into this month. We start with the Super Bowl, then Chinese New Year, and on to Valentine's Day. There's snacks, candy-chocolate, and DESSERT, after your romantic meal with your Valentine.
Well, this is the last Holiday-President's Day, and since cherries are a tradition for this holiday, I will post a recipe in their honor.
CHERRY SCONES (betty crocker)
heat oven to 400*
2 cups white whole wheat flour
1/3 cup sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup cold butter,cut into 8 pieces
1/2 cup dried cherries
1/2 cup miniature chocolate chips
1 egg beaten
1 tsp vanilla or almond extract 1/2 cup whipping cream

Only 390 calories per serving-a fitting end to February-don't you think?
Friday, February 15, 2013
Cheers for February-Cherries, Hearts,Chocolate
February is National Cherry Month, and we usually think of cherries as red-bright red tart cherries, dark red sweet cherries, but there are also yellow sweet ones. Michigan growers provide more than 70% of the nation's tart cherries, and Traverse City is the cherry capital of the world!
And, who chopped down the cherry tree? was it George Washington? I think so.
February is a very important month-Valentines Day, President's Day, and now Cherries. And your health tip of the day-tart cherries are loaded with antioxidants, they have anti-inflammatory properties, and help fight heart disease.Dark chocolate, cherries, what a month!
And, who chopped down the cherry tree? was it George Washington? I think so.
February is a very important month-Valentines Day, President's Day, and now Cherries. And your health tip of the day-tart cherries are loaded with antioxidants, they have anti-inflammatory properties, and help fight heart disease.Dark chocolate, cherries, what a month!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
I was invited this past week to a food show in Saline, Michigan, which was held in a most magnificant building. For me, the beauty of the building almost overshadowed the food show. It was the Stone Arch Arts and Events building.
This show was all Michigan-made products and some vendors came quite a distance -Kalamazoo, Alpena, Adrian, Michigan. The products ranged from beef and pork, poultry and eggs, to barbecue sauce, salsa, herb teas, and pie. 2 products that caught my interest was Hickory sirup-ever heard of it?-made from Hickory tree bark and sweetened with sugar beet sugar, and very tasty; and an Artisan Bread Mix which comes from Tecumseh,Michigan, right here in Lenawee I have a package of Old World Rye Bread Mix and a Whole Wheat mix to which I am going to add cinnamon, raisins and a little sugar. The vendor had samples at the show and that was very good, as was the pizza flavor.
Another vendor was Mrs. Glee's Foods , which was Gluten free foods. He had pastas, flours, and many mixes-cookie, crackers, pizza, just to name a few.
As you can tell, I was impressed, and it was well worth our time. That was the day of one of several Michigan snowstorms to hit us lately, but I'm glad we went.
This show was all Michigan-made products and some vendors came quite a distance -Kalamazoo, Alpena, Adrian, Michigan. The products ranged from beef and pork, poultry and eggs, to barbecue sauce, salsa, herb teas, and pie. 2 products that caught my interest was Hickory sirup-ever heard of it?-made from Hickory tree bark and sweetened with sugar beet sugar, and very tasty; and an Artisan Bread Mix which comes from Tecumseh,Michigan, right here in Lenawee I have a package of Old World Rye Bread Mix and a Whole Wheat mix to which I am going to add cinnamon, raisins and a little sugar. The vendor had samples at the show and that was very good, as was the pizza flavor.
Another vendor was Mrs. Glee's Foods , which was Gluten free foods. He had pastas, flours, and many mixes-cookie, crackers, pizza, just to name a few.
As you can tell, I was impressed, and it was well worth our time. That was the day of one of several Michigan snowstorms to hit us lately, but I'm glad we went.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Phil the Groundhog
Today is Groundhog Day, and here in the Irish Hills, he didn't see his shadow. Neither did he see it in Pennsylvania-which according to legend - means we will have an early spring! I hope so, but time will tell if he is right. According to a National Organization, from 1988 to 2010, there was no correlation between the groundhog's prediction and the real weather.
One thing his appearance does predict is a very large increase in tourism, as shown in this picture. That's Punxsutawney Phil, the most famous groundhog, who made it to television today.
There is another legend attached to another creature-the Woollybear Caterpillar. We've all seen them-they're black with a brown stripe around their middle, and according to folklore, if the brown stripe is wide, winter will be severe. Party-pooper experts of course, disagree, but that doesn't stop the Woollybear festival in Ohio in the fall, which draws thousands of people to the event.
We certainly are having Winter here in the Hills. If you are looking for a winter getaway, come on out and bring your snowshoes and x-country skis.
One thing his appearance does predict is a very large increase in tourism, as shown in this picture. That's Punxsutawney Phil, the most famous groundhog, who made it to television today.
There is another legend attached to another creature-the Woollybear Caterpillar. We've all seen them-they're black with a brown stripe around their middle, and according to folklore, if the brown stripe is wide, winter will be severe. Party-pooper experts of course, disagree, but that doesn't stop the Woollybear festival in Ohio in the fall, which draws thousands of people to the event.
We certainly are having Winter here in the Hills. If you are looking for a winter getaway, come on out and bring your snowshoes and x-country skis.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Winter Getaway in southern Michigan

Or you can head to Ann Arbor-this is their Restaurant Week, and Zingermans Next Door has some of the best hot chocolate in the country, according to Food and Wine. The 36th Ann Arbor Folk Festival also happens January 25 & 26 . Check for details.
Or you could go to Chelsea and see Jeff Daniel's new play, which runs from January 10 to March
Dewey Lake Manor is only 30 minutes away if you need an overnight getaway, and this is the last weekend the second night is half price
Monday, January 21, 2013
Iron Chef Competition----for TEENS
I was a guest today at an Iron Chef Competition, not on TV or a cooking school, but at the Adrian, Michigan library! This competition was for teenagers grades 7-12. It has taken place in past years, but this was my first event as my grandson was a participant. He was part of the LISD team, which was more advanced then the others, so they wern't judged. They were there for experience.
There were 6 other teams, both boys and girls, and they had to produce 3 dishes from the ingredients that were provided(which they hadn't seen until today when they registered). And they were timed.I believe they had 45 minutes. It was quite amazing to see these "kids" working together and all but one finished with in the time limit, and they were only 3 minutes over. They took their creations to the judges table and it took quite a while for them to taste and decide the winner. And these were the judges choice-the FILET MIGNON'S, 5 boys who don't look like chefs but did win first prize, especially for their dessert they called "elvis presly". It was an interesting event,and I hope to go next year.
There were 6 other teams, both boys and girls, and they had to produce 3 dishes from the ingredients that were provided(which they hadn't seen until today when they registered). And they were timed.I believe they had 45 minutes. It was quite amazing to see these "kids" working together and all but one finished with in the time limit, and they were only 3 minutes over. They took their creations to the judges table and it took quite a while for them to taste and decide the winner. And these were the judges choice-the FILET MIGNON'S, 5 boys who don't look like chefs but did win first prize, especially for their dessert they called "elvis presly". It was an interesting event,and I hope to go next year.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Old Traditions
We are 1 week into 2013, Happy New Year to all! but lets think about what you did on New Years Eve and why. I bet all of us -if we were awake -heard and/or sang "Auld Lang Syne". This is a Scottish poem written by The poet Robert Burns some 200 years ago that has become synonymous with ringing in the new year.
The Ball Drop?-that started in 1907, at the request of the publisher of the New York Times newspaper. The paper's chief electrician built a 700 pound ball out of wood and iron with 100 light bulbs and it was lowered from a flagpole on the One Times Square building at midnight. It has happened every year since except in 1942-43 during world war II. Of course the construction of the ball has changed and is a great light show!
Other traditions include eating 12 grapes as midnight approaches if you are a Spaniard ,to ensure prosperity over the next 12 months. In Germany and Ireland, cabbage is eaten because it is the color of money(for real?). And ours-a kiss at midnight-is much better than cabbage.
Our Southern Michigan bed & breakfast also has a tradition-need a getaway to start the new year? Stay with us 2 nights in January and the second night is 1/2 price. Just call 800 815 5253 to reserve.
The Ball Drop?-that started in 1907, at the request of the publisher of the New York Times newspaper. The paper's chief electrician built a 700 pound ball out of wood and iron with 100 light bulbs and it was lowered from a flagpole on the One Times Square building at midnight. It has happened every year since except in 1942-43 during world war II. Of course the construction of the ball has changed and is a great light show!
Other traditions include eating 12 grapes as midnight approaches if you are a Spaniard ,to ensure prosperity over the next 12 months. In Germany and Ireland, cabbage is eaten because it is the color of money(for real?). And ours-a kiss at midnight-is much better than cabbage.
Our Southern Michigan bed & breakfast also has a tradition-need a getaway to start the new year? Stay with us 2 nights in January and the second night is 1/2 price. Just call 800 815 5253 to reserve.
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