The Feast before the Fast! Today was Mardi Gras Day.It is held on a different date every year. It is always the day before Ash Wednesday and Ash Wednesday is 40 days before Easter, which can fall on any Sunday from March 23rd to April 25th, with the exact date coinciding with the first Sunday after the full moon following a Spring Equinox. Whew!(I bet you really wanted to know that) Mardi Gras is a big deal in New Orleans where the celebrations officially begin on January 6th, which is also known as 12th night, but the majority of festivities and parades are held two weeks before and on Fat Tuesday. The first parade was not in New Orleans but in Mobile Alabama in the 1700's, and other places in the world also celebrate-Brazil, Mexico, and Italy to name a few. Another interesting tidbit is the colors used in the parades and their meaning; Purple-justice, Green-faith, Gold-power. We also know this day by another name-Packzi Day! Have you had yours? They are so good and only 700 calories. Hope you got one.

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