Dewey Lake

Dewey Lake
morning mist

Friday, December 27, 2013

Rudolph and all

Rudolph has come and now has gone back to his homeland. But I recently learned something about Rudolph and other reindeer also. Do you know how Rudolph became what he is today? In 1938, in Chicago, a man with a 6 year old daughter had no money for Christmas gifts. His wife was dying and his resources were exhausted. So, he decided he could write a book and give it to his daughter. The book brought Rudolph to life-patterned after the man himself. As a child growing up he was a small boy, no good in sports and frequently bullied-does that sound like Rudolph? The man-Bob May worked for Montgomery Ward, and when they saw the story, bought the rights and published many books, which were a hit. Next a major publisher wanted to buy the rights, and Wards- gave the rights back to Bob May. Mr May became wealthy, remarried, a friend put Rudolph to music and Gene Autry made it famous. How 'bout that for a Christmas story! Now as for real reindeer- They live in Europe's northern countries. They can't fly, of course, but are fast runners.Their hair is special so that their coats are really thick.They have eyes that change color to adapt to the varying levels of light in the far north. They also have large hooves that they can spread when the snow is deep to keep them from sinking .
Now, you have had your December lesson about reindeer. Happy New Year!

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